Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hump Day

So far this morning has been GREAT!

First, I talked to my folks and my dad has made it back home from visiting my Grandma in the hospital. This is good for the following reasons:
  1. Grandma is doing better and had her surgery, so Dad felt comfortable leaving her.
  2. Dad is home in his own bed, which always makes people happier. It also gives him the chance to have some different clothes to wear since he has been at my Grandma's for a couple of weeks and I think he probably left with only a couple of days worth of clothes as he didn't think the trip would last nearly as long.
  3. Mom has Dad home with her so she will have human contact and somebody to talk to. I know that she has missed this when I called her last week and could barely get a word in edgewise as she was using all the words that she had saved up from NOT having somebody to visit with.

Second, I am working at the North Campus facility this morning which is SO much nicer than the office that I normally go to. It is open and airy and people have intelligent conversations and I don't have to listen to the ridiculous conversations of the people that sit on the other side of the wall from me at my old cube. It also doesn't have the barn smell going for it that the 1451 office tends to have.

Third, it is Wednesday. That means that there are only two more days left to the week. I have a full day planned and I think I will actually be able to get some real work done today, or at least I hope.

Fourth, well, I can't really think of a fourth, but so far, my day is going really great!! I can only cross my fingers and hope that it stays the course!


Queen B said...

The ride home at least went well. How did neither of us capture a photo of the crazy lady (?) at the Lariat?!

Yippee for your mom. Chris is always talking my ear off when I return from a trip... everything stored up while I was gone. It's nice to have other humans around to talk to! Rather than just cats...

Andrea said...

Hmmm, cats, who on earth could you be talking about?

I think that if either of us had tried to get a picture of the crazy "lady" at the Lariat she probably would have knifed us and taken our money to buy more crack!!

Anonymous said...

What do you mean...talked your ear off!!! The sad part was...I have this computer bridge game and the other "players" actually talk to you...and I found myself talking back to them!!! So I guess I was a little lonely...not that dad is the great conversationalist, you know!!! By the way, we are drowning Texas, did you know that??

Queen B said...

are you coming back?

Queen B said...

still miss ya!