Friday, October 9, 2009

Bad Start to the Day

The bad start actually began last night as I was walking from one bedroom to another without the lights on. I thought I was headed in the correct direction, but I was off by about a foot and almost tumbled down the stairs....Guess I'm gonna have to start wandering around the castle wearing my headlamp so that I don't get lost....

This morning I slowly get myself around and head off to the office. About halfway to the office, I start wondering if I closed the garage door. So, I decide, rather than call the King and disturb him that I would just drive back to the castle and check...fully prepared to see the garage wide open and God knows what sort of hoodlum inside the house wrecking havoc on the poor puppies, the King can pretty much fend for himself. Mind you the location of the Castle is nowhere near where hoodlums may be lurking around waiting to sneak into an open garage, but it was early and my mind was running wild. As I pull into the driveway, I see that the garage is shut tight as a drum and I really had nothing to worry about.

I finally make it to the office and get in the building and realize that I don't have my phone with me. It is still out in the car. I stop and turn around and consider going out to the car to get my phone, but since it is raining I decide against it....if it is that important then people can leave a message....maybe I'll go get my phone at lunch.

I get to my desk and get all of my stuff up and running and ready to go and have to call the Service Desk to get help setting up my computer to print....I won't even go into that conversation because that would lead me down the "I'm frustrated" path.... Needless to say, it really throws them for a loop when I try to explain that I'm on an account asset working on the company network trying to print to a company makes my head hurt just thinking on it.

Now, I've vented and feel better. I had a pretty interesting horoscope this morning, so with any luck the day is really going to go better than the way my morning started....


Queen B said...

ugh :( apparently this is what happens on Sara School Fridays?

you need to get settled in YOUR room, so you don't have to roam and wear your headlamp :(

Kim Thomas said...

I will give Queen B $100.00 bucks if she catches you with the headlamp on

P.S. You can't fake it and then plan on splitting the money ;)

Jane said...

10 cheers!!!