- You know how dogs love to ride in cars with their heads stuck out the window and how cute they are at stop lights? I saw a cat today doing the same thing. Yep, a cat sticking his head out the window as if he were a dog. Sadly, I couldn't get to my phone to grab a picture of this feline with dog-like personality.
- I can't decide if I want to go ahead and pay the money to join Match.com. My only concern is that the guys who seem to be interested in me don't seem to have the ability to read since there is nothing in my profile that would suggest that I want a guy whose only picture is of him in a wife-beater taken from his web cam and who has nothing in common with me other than the fact that we are both single. Really? Please tell me what it is that made you think we were compatible.
- I wonder if those yoga-toes actually work. After wearing 3.5" heels today and having my toes all smooshed together, I wonder if something of this nature would be of any help, especially to turn my little pinky toes back in the correct position.
- When it is cold out, I will sleep under 3 quilts, a blanket, and a sheet while wearing a sweatshirt. Yet, I still need to have the fan blowing as well. Is this odd?
- What type of couch do I want to buy and other furniture thoughts....
Like I said, lots of randomness going on in the ol' noggin' this evening.
Fan blowing with lots of quilts not odd.
I ride a motorcycle because its the next best thing to sticking your head out the window
- that cat is Princess' opposite!
- wow... maybe these guys are just super-readers and can read between the lines ;)
- My mom has yoga-toes. She swears they're great.
- ditto
- hit up the Preston/121 areas... there are a million furniture stores. Just bounce from one to the next and decide which one is best for sleeping on ;)
I like your random thoughts, I am also giving you props for all the blogging so far this year. Great start!
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