Tuesday, June 26, 2007

So I'm A Little Late

Sorry, I'm a little late in getting my post up today, but it has been a bit hectic.

First, I need to send a big THANKS! to Sara, my blonde, Aggie, Aries friend. Love the car-pooling. Not only do we lesson our Carbon Footprint (see me talking all Green and California-like) but we also get to enjoy the pleasure of one another's company in the morning. And, I have to say that talking to somebody else in the car is SO much nicer than conversing with myself; I tend to be a bit of a bitch!!

Second, I'd like to send her another thanks for going and picking up lunch for me. You Rock!! I LOVE Wahoo Tacos!! Although I don't actually like their tacos, per se.

Third, well, I don't really have a third. I have to apologize to Sara regarding NOT riding home with her, but she has to stick around for that blankety-blank Ops Excellence meeting and I'd rather go take a walk with Vanessa.

Okay, I have more that I'd like to talk about, but don't really have the energy at the moment and I have to go to another fun AND exciting training session.

1 comment:

Queen B said...

I feel so honored!!!

I am a huge fan of the carpooling arrangement myself, as I also tend to be a bit of a bitch when dealing with traffic situations (hence the raised eyebrows today at the guy in the stupid orange shirt who thought he owned the road).

And Wahoos so does rock!