Friday, May 18, 2012

You GO Girl!!


As I plan for my trip, I have to think about all sorts of things (and thank goodness many of the travel sites will remind you of things that never would have crossed my mind, normally). One of these things is how to handle bodily functions. I sorta forgot that I will be traveling to a world that while clean and sanitary may not be fully modern in their facilities at all locations. I'm thinking primarily when I visit Stonehenge or Pompeii and the toliets may be a bit more rustic than what I am used to. With this in mind, I came across the Urinelle, the urinating funnel for women.

Here are the use instructions found on the back of the packaging:

I'll report back on how well these actually work. On a side note, since I have to try out lots of different options, I've also invested in the Go Girl, which is reusable:

If these work, I may just take up doing more things in the great outdoors....

Dutch Oven


I share an office with two guys. Great guys, mind you, but they are guys. And since they are guys, there is a lot of talk about sports and cooking meat, but that is a different story.

The other day they were talking about the Texas Rangers' pitcher Derek Holland and how a radio station in town refers to him as "Dutch Oven".

I, having heard this, asked why? Is he such a smokin' hot player that he is names after a cast iron cooking vessel?

They laughed and asked what was I talking about. So I explained to them what a dutch oven was based on my vast knowledge and Wikipedia:
A Dutch oven is a thick-walled (usually cast iron) cooking post with a tight-fitting lid. Dutch ovens have been used as cooking vessels for hundreds of years.
They both responded with a hearty "NO!" And directed me to for what they are referring to as a Dutch oven:
A Dutch over is when you are lying in bed with someone, you pull the covers over their heads and expel gas from the anus, thereby trapping them with your vile ass emmissions. 
Wow! I learn new things all the time when working with these fellas!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Michael Jackson was a Jedi

I think I have mentioned in the past how I will periodically get the lyrics to a song completely wrong. I admit that Michael Jackson's "Don't Stop" is one of these songs.

I have for a long time thought the words were "Keep on with the porn star groove, Don't stop til you get enough." Turns out it is actually "Keep on with the Force don't stop, Don't stop til you get enough."

I'm not sure how strong the force was with that one, though....

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Devil Dog Update

Sara recently posted pictures of her dogs, and the ones that she takes care of, with the camera that she purchased when copying me (because deep down she really wants to be me). Well, I've been working with my camera and getting up to speed so that I can rock out the photos on the trip, and want to share some pictures that I've taken of MY puppy:

Travelin' Shoes

Recently I mentioned the need for a shoe intervention due to my continued purchasing of shoes in preparation for the big trip. At that time, I said that I couldn't post a picture because it would cause certain people to have a conniption. Well, I've changed my mind... Here is a picture of the shoes that were purchased for the trial: 
So, yes, if you count correctly that is twenty-two pairs of shoes on those stairs. Yesterday, I sent fourteen of these shoes back to Zappos. I returned all the shoes, except for the fourth one from the left on the bottom row. I am still planning on returning the red pair on the top row and torn whether I will return the one not yet sent on the first row. 

I've taken the shoes that I intend to wear most (cute Merrell flats and cute Privo flats) out for an extended spin on walks with the dog and they performed perfectly!! 

So, now I have my tours planned and my shoes picked out. I have the wardrobe determined (for the most part) and got the haircut for simplicity. I really think I'm set.