We've started playing Pictionary quite a bit when the family is all together. Okay, thus far we've played twice... once at Thanksgiving and once at Christmas... but since we've had the game since it first came out in the late 80s, I'd say twice in a month span versus twice in 2 decades could be considered frequent.
We have been playing with my sister and me against my mom (who is a former art teacher), my niece and nephew (who are both brilliant, if I may say so). My sister and I have yet to win. We both blame her inability to roll the dice, but it might also be our drawing talent, or lack there of. However, it may also be because we get some REALLY hard things to have to draw. For example:
Mohamed Ali - Yep, the boxer. I had one minute to come up with a picture that she would be able to guess who I was drawing. She got the drawing of the boxer, but then when I drew the butterfly and the bee I completely lost her. She did figure out that I was drawing insects... What would you have drawn?
Our other problem is that we get stuck on one concept and for me I am coming up with every single synonym for the word just not the correct word. For example:
Engrave - Marti draws a tombstone and scribbles what would be the letters on it. I'm coming up with granite, carve, inscribe, scratch, over and over again....the word "engrave" just doesn't come to my mind.
Of course some of the things we came up with and actually go were pure genius, and it is a little hard to explain here, but let's just say that some of the things I drew would never be understood if Marti and I didn't have some sort of psychic sister connection.
On the other hand, my niece and nephew truly are brilliant. Some of the stuff that they came up with was amazing. Often times Marti and I were certain that they wouldn't get a word, yet they did. Mom on the other hand....she may have been a hindrance to them as she has never been very good at stick figures and instead wants to create the wonderful works of art with accurate perspective, etc. (God bless her...).
I highly recommend that everybody play more games with the kids such as Pictionary. It challenges your mind and it gives the kids to show us adults just how really smart they are.