Well, I started out googling old boyfriends, because I am very lame, as mentioned above. Then I decided to google myself just to see what was out there in cyber space about me and well I learned the following things about me, or rather those other people out there that share my name....
1. I am a lyricist and wrote the lyrics in Sleeping Beauty: The Time-traveler and Her New Millennium Prince. Actually, I seem to be listed as the lyricist on a number of items. I must ROCK at writing lyrics!!
2. I am the wife of a guy killed by a serial killer in a book called Nobody True by James Herbert.
3. I am the co-editor of the newsletter Technically Write (which is actually true, I did co-edit that newsletter many moons ago).
4. I am 17 and recently moved to Arizona from Alaska.
5. I am on the board of the Creative Alliance along with my husband.
6. I am the "matron" for the Acute Medicine and Therapies department for some medical facility out there in the world.
7. I am the CDM Coordinator at Taylor Young and Owner in the UK.
8. I do public relations for some company.
9. I work for the Northern Counties School and we have an action plan based on the OFSTED Inspection that was carried out by three of Her Majesty's Inspectors.
10. In September 2007, I had 2 tickets to the Atmosphere show for sale on craigslist in Grand Rapids.
I learned all of this after only 2 pages of googleness. I also came across somebody's MySpace page that was in memory of some guy name James Martin. The eerie thing about this is I graduated from James Martin High School...freaky, huh?
Okay, maybe none of this is as interesting to anybody else but me, but for a quiet Friday night, I could have done worse....