Sunday, March 2, 2008

Kate Spade is Trying to Kill Me

Okay, before any of you go calling the police that there is a conspiracy on my life, let me state that I do not actually know Kate Spade or if she is a real person, but shoes that I have puchased at her store are actually trying to kill me.

Let me give you a little background. I love shoes. I love looking at shoes. I love trying on shoes. I love buying shoes. I reward myself with shoes (and books, and music, and jewelry, and food but that is for another day). Everytime I go out to the Stanford Mall I have to go by the Kate Spade store and go all dreamy over the shoes that they have. Last summer I happened upon a sale there where I purchased my first pair of Kate Spades (a beautiful pair of 3 1/2 inch heels with a cream and tan calf hair pattern). They were on sale, which is the only way I could possibly afford them and I thought I had gotten a pretty good deal, although I won't say how much I paid.

So, over the last couple of weeks while I had the Queen visiting me, she and I had to go out to the mall and eat at Long Life Noodle and pick up t-shirts for her to take back to Plano with her. Of course, we walk past Kate Spade and like a Siren song I am pulled into the store. I walk over to their display of shoes and pick up this wonderful pair of heels that are a tan leopard print. I turn them over to look at the price and I think my heart actually stopped. The original price listed was $390. Under that price was another sticker that said $50. I asked the clerk if that was the actual price or just how much was being knocked off. The answer came back with "that's the price". Well, I HAD to try them on and of the 3 pairs that they had remaining they actually had my size. As I was putting them on the clerk asked "how do they feel" and my reply was "it doesn't matter, they are beautiful!" So, needless to say, I purchased them.

Now you may be asking yourself, "so why is Kate Spade trying to kill you?"

Well, I wore my wonderful new leopard print 3 1/2 inch pumps to work yesterday, not thinking that I would have to trudge up the hill to the other office building at least once. As I'm walking in the door first thing in the morning with 2 laptops, my purse, and my lunch bag, I step in the door and step down on the edge of the dump rug that is inside the door and promptly twist my ankle. I some how manage to only bang into the door a couple of times and to not actually fall down. As the day progressed, I twisted my ankle a couple of more times, and bruised the ball of my foot when I stepped on a stone and didn't have any sort of real padding between my foot and the ground other than the thin piece of leather sole.

By the time I made it home, my arches were aching and my twisted ankle was swollen and while I may be overly dramatic regarding the conspiracy that my shoes have against me, I can only imagine what could have happened.

Today I opted for the lavender suede mules. They seem much nicer than the leopard heels, but we'll just have to see....


Queen B said...

Sadly, I would agree that it sounds like a conspiracy :( However, I recommend waiting 2 weeks and then re-testing them on a Monday or Friday.

Sam said...

I remember trying to get you to run in high heels-HA- Funny, that did not work so good!

However, I can't ignore the fact that I too bought a pair of high heeled red pumps that i love yet find quite uncomortable to walk in for any extended period of time (such as to the bathroom at work:-)) but dammit my legs look good in those heels!

Paula said...

I too have a pair of heels that I rarely wear(and may never again). Mine are black knee-high boots. And like yours, not a scrap of cushion between the balls of my feet and the ground. But like you said.."they are beautiful."