Monday, March 17, 2008

If You Can't Say Something Nice....

....say nothing at all.

How often have we heard that cliche? Well, it started playing through my head over and over again this afternoon as I was driving home from work.

Actually, it started earlier when I was chatting with a friend and discussing how much I really don't like my job, my company, my life at the moment. We were also discussing a mutual acquaintance who also was complaining about jobs and life in general. Basically, we were all just whining about our lot in life when she stated "if you aren't happy with your situation, then it is up to you to make it better." I totally agree with that.

Sadly, I'm having a little trouble making mine better. I have great plans and a couple of pots are simmering, so to speak, but nothing major is changing yet and I'm just a smidge discouraged. I know it all takes time, but I've joined the instant gratification world and I just want the new stuff to start happening NOW.

Okay, enough of the whining and moping around. From this day forward (at least for awhile), I'm going to make a concerted effort to not say anything, unless I have something nice and positive to say.

Gee, is my life going to be quiet.....


Queen B said...

LOL, your life will be quiet! Too funny :) And yes, while I offer these greats Pearls of wisdom, I know that it is easier to say than do! But my advice for the month is to not let your work life dictate your REAL life. If you're unhappy with work (or anything really), work to change your situation and check the issues at the door to your home. Because you can't let that crap impact your overall happiness. K, tripping off my soapbox!

Andrea said...

Queen - That is beautiful. And again, I'm making that concerted effort. Oh, and I'm shutting down the negative talkers around me so that I don't let their negativity fester in me.

So quiet, though.....

Ann said...

I totally agree with QB! And I will only add to that: any major change that will make you happy is worth waiting for!