Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Queen has Inspired Me....

The Queen B has always been somebody that I wish to emulate. First, she talked me into blogging. Then, she gave me my name, ABBA. Then she left and gave me her job (which I'm not so happy about but neither was she). And most recently, she has inspired me to work on a healthier lifestyle (Healthy Lifestyle Update).

So, with that in mind, I went and walked The Dish with Sam after work yesterday and we have made plans to do this again on Wednesday as well as make it a twice weekly practice. Sam has also given me the name of the Pilates studio and instructor that she works with and while I've been talking about doing something of this nature for a while now, this time I might actually break down and do it. Especially since Sam tells me that the studio is within walking distance of the new HOD.

Next thing...Farmer's Markets and I've getting very excited because I think some of my favorite fruits and veggies are coming into season.....

Anyway, I'll keep you all posted on MY healthier lifestyle. Keep your fingers crossed that I can actually stick to it.


Ann said...

Good luck! It's not easy, but just make sure you have some good 'cheat meals'! :)

Queen B said...

that's awesome :) I'm very excited for you, even though eating well and being active is far less exciting than eating delicious crap and sitting on the couch!

When we come visit, make Chris show you the healthy stuff he has been cooking. It's been pretty darn delicious. But we'll have alfredo, too, of course!