Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Portion Control

I met with my dietitian last Thursday and it seems that I have a small issue with portion control. (This didn't actually come as a shock to me since I've known that I'm a binge eater for many, many years.) In an effort to get a handle on this, the dietitian set a goal for me to plan and manage my intake.

Well, it took me a couple of days to get around to doing this. I mean, come on, I had to first have a Happy Hour, and well you don't want to put limits on that. Then I went to stay with friends and she had been working really hard to make cupcakes for me, and well, I couldn't turn that down. Then on Sunday, I went out to Scarborough Faire, and, well.....actually, I did pretty good out at the Faire, it was really too hot to eat much of anything, although I did have a grilled chicken sandwich to stave off the light-headedness.

So, yesterday, I made it a point to go to the grocery store and plan all my meals and snacks for the week. I came home and took my purchased snack foods (Teddy Grahams and Goldfish), snack sized Ziploc baggies, and a scale in front of the television and started weighing out individual serving size portions so that I would have to pay attention to how much I was actually eating rather than just plow through the whole 6 - 12 servings in a box.

At one point, I'm sitting there weighing and packaging and started feeling ever so slightly like a drug lord doling out my precious product.

I wonder what the street value is on Teddy Grahams.....


Queen B said...

LMAO! I have a good visual on this :)

Jane said...


Jaye said...

You are so funny!! I never quite thought of the measuring etc in that light!! Love ya!!

Jenn Ann said...

This totally makes me want Teddy Grahams. Which variety is your favorite?

Kim Thomas said...

In my house teddy grahams go for alot