Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Second Installment of the Banana Slug Chronicles

We left our heroines on the road from Muir Woods to their first winery.....

The ladies were all quite excited to be on their way to Iron Horse Winery, even though the MapQuest directions actually stated "partially unpaved road". The Queen was riding shotgun and scrolling through Miz Treo to provide ABBA the directions. The drive was truly beautiful as the day remained sunny and the traffic was next to nothing.

The group turned into the drive to reach the winery and wound around some, hit the unpaved part of the the road, come across a "Slow" sign and then a "Slower" sign. Found a one lane bridge or two and played chicken with people leaving the winery. Finally they reached the pinacle of the mountain and find a spectacular view and even more wonderful, they found the winery. The winery had a tasting run of sparkling wines, which is what our heroines all opted for. (Yes, ABBA did have a drink here but only a sip from each and then let the Queen and/or Sam finish off her glass.) A toast was made to the first meeting of the BS Club and the ladies visited with the other patrons. The funny thing was that the other patrons were from Coppell, TX not 5 miles from where ABBA moved from!!!

Sam made her purchase of some bubbly to take back to her folks as a thank you for Kenya-sitting. And all three purchased one logo stemware to commemorate the visit.

The adventurers then hit the road and headed off to Hop Kiln Winery. Again, the drive was easy and beautiful. With the Queen acting as her personal Carmen, ABBA couldn't go wrong. The winery was located in record time and after coffee and wine already the ladies immediately headed to the "facilities". All agreed that the facilities at this winery were possibly the nicest outhouses ever expereinced by our trio!! Once inside, the ladies bellied up to the tasting bar and found some very enjoyable people to serve them. Sam and the Queen went right in to their tasting and ABBA sipped here and there, but nothing too grand. (Hop Kiln does have a wonderful white wine called Thousand Flowers and ABBA recommends it to anybody that would like a nice light wine for a picnic or warm day on the beach.) They also had these FABULOUS chocolate syrups infused with wines that the ladies sampled with the winery's late harvest zins....yummy.

The BS Club wrapped up their purchases, took some more pictures, and hit the road to get to the next winery..... Dry Creek where even more adventures occurred.

Tune in next time for our trios continued trek through the Sonoma Wineries.....


Queen B said...

Ooh, great memories of the Thousand Flowers AND the chocolate. I actually got into trouble for just licking all the chocolate off the spoon and not intermingling the wine with it. I was getting hungry by this time, and chocolate IS one of the major food groups! :)

On a serious note, the wineries that we visited in Sonoma were really fabulous if you are looking for non-pretentious and totally laid-back ones. I would take notes!

Ann said...

Great story...sounds like you had a great time. I love going to wine tastings!

Jinjer said...

Sounds like a blast! I LOVE the "slow" sign!!

Andrea said...

Sadly, today I sort of wish I had that "slow" sign on my door as I'm feeling that way after the beating the Queen has given me as part of the "How to be the Queen"....

Speaking of, whatever happened to her "how to's of the day"?

Sam said...

I want to thank both of my fellow BS'ers for providing me with lovely new memories of the Hop Kiln Winery since my previous memories of the winery were of my ex relationship. Felt like a "cleansing" as ABBA so well put it. IMO, nothing better to cleanse the soul with then with wine shared with great friends!
PS: the Iron Horse winery was unique for the view and lovely old-fashioned outdoor tasting room. In addtion one of the few wineries where I have found the option of a "sparkling wine" tasting menu only:-)

Queen B said...

The daily How Tos are now included in The Binder... only they're boring and relate to work!

KFuj said...

This is great info for a trip up to wine country! I could almost plan a trip from your blogs. Thanks, I love details like this:-)

Kim Thomas said...

Can we get a biography on SAM? We know Andrea, We know Queen B but Sam is new and I want to get to know her better :)