Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Vicious Cycle Part 2

As you my recall, last week I was suffering from perma-headaches and I got a lot of feedback from people on the best ways to address them.

I spent the weekend relaxing, drinking LOTS of water, watching the crowds and listening to the music of Carnaval, and sleeping. And lo and behold, the headaches weren't around at all!!

This morning as I'm driving into the office and am thinking about my day, guess what started throbbing.... yep, my head. Raise your hand if you think there is a correlation between my headaches and my work?

I know the Queen, and many others, are sick and tired of hearing me bemoan my job and my situation and I know that it is up to me to improve my lot, so I'm going to make a concerted effort to find my happy place. I just told my boss that I'd like to work out a schedule so that I can go to Massage Therapy school and she understood. She even said that she can tell that I'm not happy right now and wanted to address ways to get me back to a happy state at my mid-year review coming up. I've been struggling a lot lately with what it is that I should be doing with my life, and I'm slowly realizing that no matter how much I want to conform to the corporate world, it just doesn't make me happy and I think I'd rather try to "find myself" doing something else and not making any money than continue this struggle.

The hardest thing about leaving the corporate world, though, is going to be stepping away from, and out of, the great shoes!! I don't know if I would make a convincing massage therapist in four inch Kate Spades... but, we'll see.

I'll keep you all abreast of my journey to find myself. I thank you all for your feedback on the best way to get rid of the headaches. And, I hope you all will emotionally support me in my journey of self discovery.


Queen B said...

this is a great move! You will just have to budget for Kate Spade clearance items ;)

Jenn Ann said...

Buy Kate Spades now, wear them whenever you aren't massaging :)

BTW, I'm sure that I (along with the rest of the HCBC) will volunteer to be "victims" to your practice :)

Andrea said...

Jenn Ann - As soon as I've started the classes, I'll take an HCBC tour and meet and greet all the chics and give them massages!!

Paula said...

I'll gladly volunteer too! You are 100% right...gotta do what makes you happy. KY is beautiful in the fall--early to mid October for all the fall colors, assuming we don't have another huge drought.

As for the headaches...I suffer them too, 2-4x a month. If you want to do the Rx route, Imitrix works great for my dad; Frova works great for me as long as I lay down for an hour when I take it. Chat with a Dr.

Kim Thomas said...

In 2004-2006 Work made me sick....take care of yourself, it isn't worth it.

Jane said...

Yeah for me time!

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Im Inspired again.