Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Random Thoughts

I don't really have much to say today, but I have made some interesting observations this week and/or had some random thoughts that I'd like to get down on "paper"...

  1. I was watching television the other night when a Dos XXs commercial just came on and the guy in it looks at the camera and says "It's never too early to start beefing up your obituary." I think they were promoting living life with gusto, etc. but that got me to thinking about what my obituary would say....
  2. I had a dream last night where I was working with our customer, reviewing issues, but they were all like little blue blocks and we were building different walls as we categorized everything. Then Jinjer, whom I've never met in "real life" walks through the room and offers cupcakes. What does that say about what is going on in my subconscious?
  3. While driving in this morning rapping along to DJ Jazzy Jeff and Rob Base (It Takes Two...), I look over at the car next to me and I swear they had a speculum hanging from their rear view mirror. Now who would have something like that just hanging around and why? And, did they notice my mad rapping and dancing skills that I only have in the car.
  4. The Queen and King will be at the HOD in 11 days and I can only hope that my couch arrives in time so that I will have a place to sleep. And, how are we going to coordinate everything that they want to do and see; I only have two days really planned out. And, how do I get to the Oakland airport...

Like I said, I have a bunch of random thoughts running through my head.


Queen B said...

dang, I totally missed this! You have certainly had a lot going on in your head :) That's a good sign.

Sounds like the most productive meeting ever with your customer :) actually building something. wow

I wish Jinjer would show up and offer ME cupcakes!

Can't wait to see you! I don't mind sleeping on the floor, it will all work out. Thanks for the reminder to bring Carmen. She won't help you find the Oakland airport, but now I remember how much we need her!

To OAK: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=94110&daddr=oak&sll=37.71668,-122.20902&sspn=0.100079,0.159988&ie=UTF8&z=12

Andrea said...

OMG... That was the other thing going through my head... "ask the Queen to bring Carmen"... We are sooo on the same wavelength!!

Jinjer said...

OMG I LOVE this!! So happy to have been in your dream, and as a cupcake deliver-er at that!!! :)

Ann said...

I LOVE random thoughts! :)

Jane said...

My random thoughts included; I wish I could eat that chocolate ice cream, will my children and I be adult friends and wow should I use the google reader

Queen B said...

Jane- the answer to all of your questions is YES :)

Kim Thomas said...

I can't believe Jane is still questioning the google reader but my real comment is I am sorry you have to go to Oakland airport-IT SUCKS!

Anonymous said...

Such a nice blog. I hope you will create another post like this.