Sunday, August 3, 2008

Preparing for the Week

Well, it is Sunday afternoon and I'm sitting here thinking about what all I need to do this week and what all is currently on my schedule. I'm trying really hard to take every body's advice and find that work/life balance and I'm doing better. I'm also trying really hard to live a healthier lifestyle. Last week I managed to get a walk in every day after work, except for Tuesday, when I worked from home and went and walked in the mid-morning up to Noe Valley, which was very pleasant. Saturday, I went to another session with Abby the Pilate's instructor and she had be stretched in ways that I didn't think my body could do.

So this week, this is the plan:

Monday - Wrap up the crap that I have to do for the quarterly Quality Initiatives. Review the Policies and Procedures and update those. Update and print off resume. Walk the 3.3 mile Dish walk with Sam.

Tuesday - 7:00 AM Pilate's session with Abby. Do some number crunching and analysis to present some good, hard data as to why and who is screwing up so terribly at work. Go meet a recruiter to see if she can help me find another job.

Wednesday - Meet with the PWC auditors to talk about our processes. Continue with the number crunching. Walk the Shoreline and stop at Target.

Thursday - Spend all day in tiring meetings with the customer. Get completely aggravated by the people that I work with. Walk the Dish with Sam.

Friday - Crossing my fingers that I can have the day off. If I have the day off, then I'm sewing and taking a walk to Grace Cathedral Labyrinth and have a whole zen thing.

Saturday - This is still very open, but I'm going to shoot for getting a walk of some sort in and probably some REALLY fun things like grocery shopping, dusting, and vacuuming.

And that takes us back to Sunday. Who thinks I'll actually manage to accomplish all of these things?


Queen B said...

I vote for you to! This is great :)

By the way, good luck with PWC. They are always so fun.

My week... Sun-Thurs, school. I can't see myself getting in any exercise, even though I brought my workout clothes and shoes with me :( I'm really exhausted, already!

Sam said...

the dish walk photos show how pretty the surrounding area is when you are walking/running but it does not show how painful it can be! ha

Sam said...

ps: of course you will do all this!

Paula said...

I don't know much about your job, but I'm guessing this is an ambitious list!! Go get 'em! You can do it!

Ann said...

Sounds like a great plan! The dish walk looks really pretty!

Jinjer said...

I think you can accomplish it all for are you doing so far?