Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Why Bother?

Why do I even bother trying to do my job? Nobody pays any attention to me. Nobody listens to me. Nobody understands me. Am I speaking a different language?

I currently function as the Change Manager on our account. For those of you who are not familiar with this role, it is basically the person who polices and changes within the environment and makes people follow the rules so that changes can be tracked appropriately.

One of these rules is to do your change within the window that you have stated that you are going to do it in and document it in the system that you have done it. For example, if I say I'm going to change something on Monday, July 28 from 9 AM - 11 AM, then I darn well better do it within that window and document IN THE EXPECTED FORMAT. Right? That makes complete sense to me. I say I'm going to do something, I say when I'm going to do something, then I do it when it has been planned, and document appropriately.

However, I come in this morning and as I'm reviewing the report of changes that failed to do this I realized that there were EIGHT such failures. When I contacted the people to find out why this occurred, because some of them were things that were scheduled for last week, but didn't get documented until yesterday. I received back a lot of "well, the change was done successfully, I just didn't bother to update the system until yesterday." I even had one person reply back with, "well, it was an emergency change and I did it but put the ticket in after the fact for auditing purposes." I swear I want to go wring some people's necks.

Is this just wrong that I'm this annoyed by people not following the process? Because they haven't bothered to follow the rules, we all have to suffer financially. But I guess they don't really care, since they have been given their walking papers.

Grrrrr. This is just too frustrating!!!


Queen B said...

OMG. Who are these people?! Seriously, I want names, so I can go beat them!

Kim Thomas said...

Fire someone and than they will all follow you.

Jenn Ann said...

As a rule follower I just don't understand this!

Jinjer said...

Kim, you are SO right!

Ann said...

Wow! I want to hold them down for the Queen!

Jane said...

I wouldnt want your job for love nor money. I am one of these people