Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More Rude People

You all know that I really hate rude people. I've mentioned it in the past, but it requires being mentioned again. And, yes, I know that I'm too nice..... although I think my family would beg to differ!!So my latest run-in with a rude person was today while I was doing my laundry. And maybe she wouldn't be considered rude so much as inconsiderate, but anyway....

When I moved into the city, I moved into an apartment that did not have a washer and dryer in it, which for me was a challenge in and of itself. Luckily, there are washers and driers in the garage, nice, new, industrial washers and driers. And there are six of them, you would think that would be plenty for a building with maybe 60 units. In my opinion, it is perfectly reasonable, as long as everybody is considerate of the others in the building. Well, I do my laundry on Tuesday mornings, because I work from home and I would think that the appliances would readily available. I've been doing this for a couple of weeks and have had no problem...until today!!

This morning I go down with a couple of loads, and find only ONE machine available. ONE!! Of the five that were remaining, four of them had approximately 5 minutes left to run and one was sitting there finished. Well, I put my darks into the one available and started it up, then headed back up to my place to get the rest of the laundry (yeah, I had a couple of weeks worth to do and couldn't carry it in one trip). I got a little side tracked answering some emails and taking a call, so it was about 30 minutes by the time I got back down to the laundry. My one load had 4 minutes left on it and the other five were all finished but just sitting there with wet clothes in them. Well, I decided that I would wait for my one load to finish, put it into the dryer, put another load in, and then if nobody came to remove the other clothes, I would just pull out two of the loads and put them in the baskets that are sitting in front of the washers.

So, as I was pulling clothes out of one of the washers, this young female (can't say girl or lady) shows up looking like she literally just rolled out of bed (jammies and wrinkle impressions on the face). I apologized saying "tee hee, sorry did I just take out your things?" She was all put out with "Harrumph, yeah." She then took her clothes out of 4 of the 5 washers and promptly took up FIVE dryers!!!

I put my clothes in the washers and left. I looked at my watch and made the mental note that I needed to be back in 30 minutes, which I was. I get my darks out of the ONE dryer that I was using and then looked into the other driers to see what was available since ALL of them were finished.... Yep, you guessed it not a single other drier could be used as they still had clothes in them. So, I shoved my 3 loads of laundry (after sorting out the items that I hang dry) into the ONE drier that I had to use.

It is now time that I go check on my laundry and see if things are dry. Keep your fingers crossed. I'll let you know if HER things are still down there!!!


Queen B said...

ugh. I definitely would have hauled her crap out of dryers. She should have been thanking you for doing that with her wash... you did the tough part of removing them from the machine for her!

Paula said...

I would've taken her stuff out too. She definitely does not know laundry room etiquette and was really rude to not keep up with her laundry knowing that others were waiting. Maybe the super should hang a sign with a list of "the rules"

Jenn Ann said...

This is the reason that having a washer and dryer in our apartment was my top priority when the now hubby and I were apartment hunting!

Jinjer said...

I wish I would have been there...I would have handled the grump.

Ann said...

Yep, you are way too nice. I would have taken her stuff out of the dryers...who does she think she is, the laundry queen?