Thursday, August 21, 2008

"Tell Me What You Want.....

..... What You Really, Really Want. I'll Tell You What I Want. What I Really, Really Want."

I was very torn as to what to discuss today because there were a number of things that just really irked me first thing this morning (stupid people who annoy me at work, stupid people who send nonsensical worthless emails, and stupid people who lock my office door when I don't have a key). Instead, I decided to take the higher road and try to look on the positive side of life today and go with my initial plan, which was to talk about soundtracks to your life....

Yesterday, on Jenn Ann's blog, Ann commented on the picture that she heard circus music in her head and I immediately thought about how I am constantly hearing music in my head, depending on the situation. I then realized that I have a lifelong soundtrack running pretty much all the time. The only time I probably don't is when I'm listening to the radio and that is because I'm singing along with the radio.

I also have a tendency to answer questions in the form of song lyrics. I don't do this intentionally, but after I answer a question, the rest of the song then starts playing in my head. I know this is very difficult to understand, unless you know how my wacky mind works. So, here is an example:

While putting on my makeup this morning I started thinking about what I wanted in my life, so wouldn't you know I started hearing the Spice Girls in my head, hence the title of this blog.

Other artists that I've heard include Madonna, The Who, Marvin Gaye, Patsy Cline, Salt 'n Peppa, Rhianna, Joan Baez, and many, many more.

Does anybody else experience this phenomena?


Kim Thomas said...

You and Jane could be twins...she always has "a song in her head". Sometimes she will ask you "what songs in my head".

Queen B said...

I love when you answer questions with "baby got back!" those are the best :)

Paula said...

I don't answer questions with lyrics...but as I was re-reading the title while waiting for the comments page to pop up, I could hear Olivia Newton John and John Travolta singing .... You're the one that I want...(you the one I want... WooHooHoo

Jenn Ann said...

There are several people in my office who are with you on this. I however am not.

KFuj said...

I am with you on this, I hear songs a lot. Most of the blog titles I read bring a song to my head. I love music but am not good at playing or signing!

Andrea said...

KFuj - I'm with you, my singing voice is like nails on a chalkboard, but that doesn't stop me!!

Jinjer said...

Hit me baby one more time! LOL This is hilarious!

Ann said...

I ALWAYS have a song in my head! I totally understand this post!

Jane said...

KT already pointed out that I have this syndrome. Welcome to the jungle, we got fun and games.....