Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Random Thoughts

Well, it is another one of those posts where I don't have anything specific to talk about, but wanted to put some things out to the universe...

Rude People - I had another encounter with a rude person yesterday and just don't understand it. I was walking to my pilates class and coming towards this guy on the sidewalk. I made the effort to get out of his way, but there was somebody on my right, so I couldn't go very far. He made absolutely no effort to move and rammed his shoulder right into my shoulder, hard. I turned around and apologized, not that it was my fault. He did not a thing. Jerk.

Right of Way - While thinking about the above rude person I started thinking about who has the right of way when you are coming towards somebody and why I always seem to be the person who gives way. For example, you are walking in the mall with your friend. A group of two or three people are walking towards you. Shouldn't we all take a moment to sort of slow it down and line up so that we don't run smack into one another? I always tend to be that person who steps behind (or in front of) the person that I'm walking with so that the people coming toward me don't have to. I guess that just means I suck at playing chicken.

DUI vs DWI - What is the difference between these two? I guess I could Google it...

Personalized License Plate - I saw a Vanity Plate the other day, and sadly I didn't get a picture of it, but it said "BOIL MKR". I want to know, is this person somebody that causes boils to just pop up on people when he shakes their had and if that is the case, then I don't think I would advertise that. OR, is his favorite drink a Boilermaker, and if that is the case, I probably should have flagged him down to see if he knew what the difference is between a DUI and a DWI.

That's all the randomness that I have for today. I wish each and everyone of you a happy, happy Wednesday!!


Queen B said...

I'm like you... I usually give way. Unless I'm in a "mood" and then I will demand others to ;)

BOIL MKR might also refer to a fan of Purdue University. Yay for them.

Andrea said...

Okay, Queen, that answer for the BOIL MKR makes so much more sense than what my mind came up with. But at least it gives you an idea of how truly twisted I am!!

Jenn Ann said...

I'm just excited that you're a vanity plate noticer too! It saddens me that many miss out on this guilty pleasure.

Jinjer said...

I love random thought posts!! I hate rude individuals. Should we start a Rude-People-Hater's-Club??

Ann said...

I can't stand rude people. You should have said something to him.

And in answer to your question:

DWI = Driving While Intoxicated. An alcohol related offense.

DUI = Driving Under the Influence. Any impairing substance. May also be used for alcohol, usally the more severe cases.
DUI usually has a stiffer penalty.

No, I don't know these things first-hand, I googled it for you. ;)