Monday, August 25, 2008

What I Did This Weekend

First the things I didn't do:
  1. Didn't move my car
  2. Didn't speak to a soul
  3. Didn't get dressed (I know, can I get any lazier?)
Things I DID do this weekend:
  1. Cleaned my kitchen
  2. Cooked meals for the first part of the week
  3. Finished a book
  4. Finished a quilt top
  5. Started and completed a small (25" x 25") quilt top
  6. Cut out another quilt top to work on this week
  7. Spammed a bunch of friends via Facebook
While some people may think me completely unproductive since I didn't leave my house and had no contact with the outside world, I think it was a great weekend. I accomplished quite a bit and I'm slowly whittling away at my projects that have been on the shelf for far too long!!


Queen B said...

wow, you did accomplish a lot! Sometiimes you're at your most productive when you don't even see your car ;)

You forgot to mention getting me banned from Facebook! I've been on there for over a year now, I think, and you're the first who could bring me down! Great job :) I wonder which of my friends I got banned this weekend...

Paula said...

Sounds like an awesome week to me! I've got 2 sewing projects to do. One I wanted to have done by July 16th, then July 30th. materials are bought! ...haven't cut a single square...
Project 2 HAS to be done by October 31st. Can I just ship it all to you?

Jinjer said...

I love this! I TOTALLY think you accomplished a ton and I love weekends where I don't talk to anyone. My husband and I call it "Mole Mode"!!

Jane said...

It's time for me to do another quilt. Sounds like the perfect weekend (except for the cleaning)

LoSpace said...

I think I hate facebook. Also, that sounds like a GREAT weekend to me. I would just have different projects. And probably some wine. ;)

Kim Thomas said...

This is seriously the best type of weekend. Congrats on progress on the projects