Thursday, October 23, 2008

Why Are People So Disgusting?

I got on my elevator in my apartment complex this morning and was confronted with a very disgusting blob of spit. Why would somebody do that?

I can understand, although I don't condone it, spitting on the ground when you are outside. I've dated my share of guys who dip and need some place to get rid of the juice. I also have family who work in the great outdoors and every now and then something gets in your mouth and you have to spit it out on the ground. I'm okay with that, not thrilled, but okay. And even outdoors, I don't think there is really a need to just spit as you are walking down the sidewalk, as I have seen people do, causing me to then change my path so that I can avoid the giant loogie on the ground.

And, yes, I feel that it is mostly men who spit, although I just don't understand why. I don't recall my Dad EVER spitting, nor my brother-in-law. (These being the two primary men in my life that all other men are compared to.) So why do other men feel the need that spitting anywhere, any time is okay?

And who ever taught these people that spitting indoors was EVER acceptable? I realize that it is "just an elevator floor" or "just a concrete lobby floor", but it is still a floor and indoors. Its not like the rain is going to come along and wash it away. It is going to sit there like a giant icky blob until the building super gets around to mopping the floors, which I really don't think is high on his "to do" list!!

So tell me, if you know the answer, why are people so disgusting?


Kim Thomas said...

Spitting is gross, spitting indoors? unacceptable. I dare you to put up a sign that says "No Spitting" in the elevator

Jinjer said...

Ewwww. I will revert back to the theory I live by: I have no respect for **"most" humans because they are gross, disappointing and mean. I have more respect for animals than I do most humans.

Bianka said...

This really grossed me out. I find spit to be one of the most disgusting substances on earth. Especially loogie spit. Blech.