Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I'm very frustrated lately. I'm not sleeping, and that is getting frustrating. There are a number of reasons why I'm not sleeping. First among them is that I still don't have my worldly belongings. My movers called me yesterday and told me that it is all still in New Mexico and they are trying to get it on a truck with somebody else's worldly belongings but it won't fit and I can just picture things being loaded and unloaded and the likelihood of something getting lost or broken increases each day. They told me when I hired them that by law they had 30 days to deliver my stuff after pick up and the tentative delivery date will put them at 25 days... We'll see how this goes.

My second big frustration is work. I've been talking to one person about a new position that is being created, but the company moves slowly to get anything approved and in the right direction. However, in the meantime, my current boss wants to meet with me to find out 'how the job search is going' and I learn in our team meeting that somebody else on the team has already been assigned my duties...nothing like finding I've pretty much been replaced in a public setting. I know that she has been given the directive to off shore two of her positions and that we had talked about the fact that mine be a likely candidate when/if I found another position...but I haven't found that yet.

Along those lines I'm frustrated that there just aren't a whole lot of jobs out there and those that are I'm completely unqualified for.

Sorry for the pity party, just needed to vent. Hopefully, I'll find sleep soon and the frustration will ease up.


Queen B said...

I think we need to increase our alcohol consumption in the evenings... that helps with sleeping and with frustrations :)

Kim Thomas said...


I thought Abba was going to be doing the same job remotely. I didn't realize that you had to find something else. UGH UGH UGH

Wish I had a position for you :(
Hang in there!

Jane said...

My grandma always said put your problems under your pillow and they would all go away and you could sleep better