Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Gimme a head with hair
Long beautiful hair
Shining, gleaming,
Streaming, flaxen, waxen
Give me down to there hair
Shoulder length or longer....

The above is lyrics from the musical "Hair".

I'm trying to grow my hair out. I've been doing this for awhile now. Initially it was growing out solely so that It would be less messy when I worked out and took a cap off. Now, however, I've decided to let it grow out and then donate it to "Locks of Love". The thing with donating my hair is that it has to be 10 inches from the point that it is cut off to the end....that will take a while.

Luckily, I have pretty decent hair. It has some curl to it for when I want to go curly. It styles nicely. My stylists have always told me that it is thick, or rather there is a lot of it. However, it is really fine, so it gets fly-a-way pretty easily.

Unluckily, I'm lazy when it comes to my hair. I've always told my stylists that I don't really care how they cut it as long as it is cute, in fashion, doesn't make me look too masculine (being a slightly bigger girl, this is something I think about), and is easy to care for. I'm a little ADD when it comes to styling my hair. I don't own a curling iron. I don't own a flat iron. I want to be able to dry and style my hair in the length of time for a song to play on the radio, which means less than 5 minutes from turning on the drier to putting the final spritz of hairspray. Longer hair takes slightly longer to style than short hair, and this is something I'm trying to deal with. This morning I realized that I was spending a lot of time round-brushing my hair every morning and then turning around and pulling it up into a pony-tail. Why do I do this? Going forward, there is going to be a lot less round-brushing going on.

I figure at the rate that my hair grows I'll be able to cut it all off this time next year, if not earlier.


Diane said...

That is so cool you are going to donate your hair. My hair takes forever to grow, I prefer it short.

Queen B said...

you round brush it so it looks sleek and put together when it's pony-tailed. This is effort that mine does not get ;)

Kim Thomas said...

I hate my hair. Long, short, curly, straight. It sucks

Good luck on the grow out....

Jane said...

MJM just cut six inches off hers tonight

USe the instyler during the grow out - best hair tool ever!!!

Jenn Ann said...

I think Pantene Beautiful Lengths only requires 8...I couldn't make it to 10. I will probably NEVER have my hair that long again. Good luck on the grow out!