Monday, February 28, 2011

Morning Routine

I'm sure we all have our morning routines and whenever they are thrown off, even slightly, it can throw the whole day off kilter....that whole Butterfly Effect (and I'm not talking the bad Ashton Kutcher there is a good Ashton Kutcher movie, but I digress). Here is a quick rundown of what my morning looks like:

5:30 - Wake Up
6:00 - Get out of Bed. Eat Breakfast
6:20 - Get in Shower
6:35 - Finish Shower
6:45 - Dry Hair
6:50 - Put on Makeup
6:55 - Get Dressed
7:00 - Join first conference call of the day while getting lunch together and finishing up stuff.
7:15 - Out the door (depending on carpool plans)

Here is how this morning went:
5:30 - Wake Up
6:00 - Get out of Bed. Eat Breakfast
6:20 - Get in Shower
6:35 - Finish Shower
6:40 - Watch the news to find out about weather. IM with The Queen.
6:50 - Lay out clothes
6:55 - Put on Makeup
7:00 - Join conference call.
7:05 - Change clothes
7:08 - Make lunch
7:15 - Grab keys and lunch and start to head out the door.
7:16 - Realize that my hair is still in a wet towel.....

Who sees a problem here?!?


Queen B said...

hahahahahahaha. Whew, I am so glad you saw my text this AM. I was so not gonna be making 7:30. I had big dreams of making 8:30, but that was not to be either :)

Jane said...

I would wake up at 642 and be out the door at 7

Would have paid good money to see wet head