Thursday, April 21, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 21

A Picture of Something you Wish you could Forget....

So, I obviously don't want to forget books or letters or pages..... but I couldn't think of anything else to put here, so I did a search on "blank page" (which is kinda like a blank mind). I've obviously forgotten anything that I could put here, so the faulty memory is working. Sadly, I'm forgetting things more and more often lately. Today alone, I forgot to put the lid down on my washing machine not once, but twice.... If I don't make a list, I always forget to do something. I should probably look into finding one of those programs that helps improve my memory....

Guess I'll add that to the list.


Queen B said...

LOL. I am blessed with a terrible memory myself :) It works well because you can just kind of make up your own history :)

Jane said...

I like this post; )

Kim Thomas said...

I have a great memory, sometimes it's a curse.