Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Vicious Cycle

I've been suffering from really bad headaches lately and have started taking Excedrin for Migraines. This works for a while, however, it contains caffeine which when I take it in the evening keeps me up all night. When I'm up all night because I have insomnia due to the caffeine in my headache medicine, I get up the next morning all groggy and with another headache, so I have to take more headache medicine, which in the end keeps me up all night, again......

Is this how people get hooked on drugs?

Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to get my bio-rhythmic cycle back on track and be able to get rid of the every present headache.... come on 3-day weekend!!


Jenn Ann said...

You need a spa day! Drink lots of water and get a massage! :) (Then again, I use just about any excuse for a spa day!)

Queen B said...

definitely a vicious cycle, though I have always found that margaritas help you fall asleep even when hopped up on caffeine. Though that might lead to morning headaches... argh!

Andrea said...

JennAnn - That is the PERFECT suggestion!!

Paula said...

Back before I saw a neuro for my migraines, I'd take about 1/2 dose of Nyquil at night instead of something with caffeine....but yes, you do have to keep track of how often so you don't get "a habit"

Bianka said...

Saturate yourself with water and avoid everything with caffeine.. it's worked for a few people I've suggested it to! It's worth a shot!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are getting some very good advice. I think you should go see someone if the migraines continue, someone like a doctor!! There are healthy things you can do for them...I particularly like JennAnn and Bianca's suggestons.

Take care of yourself!! Love, Mom

Ann said...

water, water, water. try to stay out of the sun, too.

Hope the long weekend helps!

Jane said...

Heachaches suck

Dr Jane says catch up on sleep, drink water and only take aleve or tylentol

Kim Thomas said...

you need a good long island ice tea