Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Being a Rule Follower

I read yesterday on The Champ's blog a comment from Jenn Ann that stated she was a rule follower and I had to let her know that she isn't alone.

I've always been a rule follower.

I never snuck out of the house as a kid. Never did drugs because I was always more worried about either getting hooked or getting caught. I never cheated in school, aside from writing my chemistry formulas on my calculator, which didn't work since I couldn't see them during the test. I didn't plagiarize any papers. I never consciously stole anything (although my mom would disagree as I think there is a story out there of when I took candy out of the barrels that they used to have at grocery stores). I rarely cross against the light. I don't cheat on my taxes. I come to full and complete stops at stop signs. I speed only to keep up with traffic, I avoid being the leader speeder. I've gone back into stores when I don't think they've charged me enough. I try to always say "please" and "thank you", which are etiquette rules. Even though I'm not a church-goer/believer, I still genuflect when I go into a Catholic church. I'm a basically good person, and incredibly boring...

I have never really understood people who break and/or bend the rules or better yet completely ignore the rules. For example, bicyclists, they are supposed to follow the same traffic laws of motor vehicles, but they don't; why is that? People who try to get something for nothing and are always on the look out for the next great get rich quick scheme, why do they not have to work for what they get? People who are pushy and don't wait their turns, why do they think their time is more important than anybody else?

Can somebody explain to me why these people irritate me? Is it a little bit of jealousy on my part that wishes I was more of a rule breaker? Possibly. Would I really want to change who I really am to become one of those types of people? Probably not. Am I glad that I'm a rule follower and a pretty non-daring sort? Basically, yeah.


Queen B said...

And we love you for it :) they irritate you because they are breaking the rules! I feel the same way, in general.

Ann said...

I am generally not a rule-follower. I never have been. That being said, I don't cheat on my taxes, I follow most rules of etiquette, too. I just think there are too many rules/laws out there! I don't want to be a drone, not knowing what to do next because the government hasn't passed a law to tell me how to do it! :)

Kim Thomas said...

Like Ann, I am generally not a rule follower.

But there is a difference in rule following and being a jerk. Like, if I lead the speeding pack I don't consider that as trying to get something for nothing.

But I have snuck out of the house, I have cheated on tests (not alot but I have done it and am not proud of it) and I often speed.

Jenn Ann said...

My only comment is for the Queen: Puh-lease Mrs. Pearl Owner. That clearly defines you as a rule BREAKER! And we love you for it :)

Jinjer said...

I am a rule breaker for the most part. Always have been somewhat of a rebel. I won't break rules if it is at the account of someone else or their feelings. But in general, I find great fun in breaking rules. Uuugh, this is a hard one...I am not a rule breaker like breaking the law, but I like to push the limits on little things. Maybe I am daring? Geeze, now I am confused...

Sam said...

were you thinking about that bike rider that rode through the stop sign without obeying the rules of the road and I said "its a wonder I have not hit one of them?" :-) Now they irritate me!! I think I draw the line by trying to avoid breaking a rule or law that would seriously hurt someone else but you have to realize I went to berkeley so breaking the rules was part of the curriculum:-)

Paula said...

I think I'm somewhere in the middle, but definitely closer to the rule-follower end of the spectrum.

Jane said...

I rarely speed, I do however run red lights.

I wouldnt say that i break the rules as much as I challenge the rules..........

Queen B said...

new rule: you must blog Monday :)