Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Friday - Camping Day Two - Morning

6:00 AM I woke up so that I could be one with nature and watch the sunrise....

After watching the sunrise, I decided to take a look around the campsite, since it was now light and I could actually see where we landed. It seems that the raccoons had a lovely meal of hot dog buns and pistachio nuts, but luckily everything else had been safely tucked away so that no other foodstuff was ruined. The Taj Ma-Tent had been set up on a slope and we didn't take the time to stake the tent down the night before so it had stared to slide down the hill.

Around 6:30 - 6:45 Jill and Samantha crawled out of the tent and Jill put on some coffee. While we did not have the grill, we did have Jill's camp stove, so she started percolating the coffee and then threw on some sausage, bacon, and eggs. Check out the kitchen setup:

By 7:30 we were sitting down watching the sun over the lake eating a nice hearty breakfast, and can I say that there is something really great about eating food cooked in the great outdoors.

Sam then took off to check us in at the Ranger's office and stake our claim on the other campsite so that the folks that were arriving on Friday would have a place to set up their tent. Jill and I rearranged the tent so that it was sloping back to front rather than side to side. This way we would no longer roll out of our beds in the middle of the night. While Jill cleaned up the tent (sweeping, making the beds, etc.), I cleaned up and straightened the camp site, got all the rest of the stuff out of the trucks and did other putzing around. Check out the Taj Ma-Tent with the great maid service getting it all ship-shape.

At about 10 AM, camp was in shape and all of the paperwork was done so the three of us decided it was time to put the boat in the water. We put on our suits, climbed into Jill's truck and headed down to the boat ramp....

Come back soon to see what happens next!!


Jenn Ann said...

Quite the impressive tent set up!

Queen B said...

love the Taj Ma-Tent (and maid service!)

If I had gotten up at 6 to see the sunrise, I would have gone back to sleep afterwards, not gone on to survey the situation ;)

Great pics! Thanks so much for doing the whole series :)

Jinjer said...

I love the Taj-MaTent! And the kitchen set up totally rules!

Kim Thomas said...

Let me just say that I am so jealous of this camping trip. Camping with my family is probably the best memories of my life.

I want to go right now!