Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I Don't Want To Think About It

I just read this article: "How Many Chemicals Are You Wearing?" and really, really don't want to think about it.

I have gone through phases where I see myself as uber-conscientious and think I'm going eat organic and wear organic and think organic but I never actually make myself be organic. However, I am swinging back in the direction of maybe I need to start thinking about it again just to take stock of my lifestyle and what sort of footprint I'm going to leave on this planet. Especially as I sit in my over-heated office and am bombarded by the cheap dye smell of my new Target sweater that I didn't wash before I wore it.

If I were to actually count up the number of chemicals I'm wearing, and yes that would require me to sit down and review 16+ bottles, tubes, or containers, I think I'd be well over 500. AND that wouldn't count the chemicals from the detergents, dry cleaning solvents, cheap dyes, etc. that are on my clothes, it would solely be those items that I slather, smear, rub, or spray on myself.

Maybe I should swing in the complete other direction and just stop using all chemical products, which would mean no more bathing, deodorizing, washing of clothes, etc. How long do you think I would be able to stand myself let alone be kicked out of the castle?

Ah well, maybe I just need to consider moderation and actually act on some of it....

1 comment:

Queen B said...

yeah, overwhelming to try to think about the numbers

at some point this year, I seriously AM removing all processed food from the house

please continue bathing until after 3/15 ;)