Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cardinal ABBA Sin

I do not like to be late. I do not like to make people wait on me. I do not like to "make an entrance".

My family can attest to this.... A favorite story around the old homestead is the time that ABBA got Mom and Sister to Palm Sunday Mass on hour early, just so we would be certain and have seats. They have to agree that we DID have seats...we just got to sit in them for a very long time.
I've gotten a little better, I don't feel the need to be places quite that early any more, but I'm still an early bird and still like to leave plenty of time when I have an appointment to be someplace. Mind you, I don't necessarily hold everybody else to this compulsive need to be on time and have gotten very used to getting ready and waiting on people (patience is a virtue). What people don't understand is that when I'm waiting on them I have a constant stream of thought going through my head that goes something like "Oh no, did they forget about me...Where are they....Today is the right day....How am I going to get there...Oh no, did they forget about me..." This is my own cross to bare and I do not wish anybody to change because of it.

However, because of my own insecurities, I try really hard to have this Cardinal Rule: Thou Shall Not Be Late.

Well, this morning, I broke my Cardinal Rule. I had a workout scheduled with my trainer, Kyle, for 5:00 AM. I've been getting up at 4:00 so that I could eat something, get dressed, and head over to meet him in plenty of time to get a warm up in before we are supposed to start. Sadly, yesterday I had a killer headache when I woke up and decided to sleep in a little longer, so I reset my alarm for 5:00 (I still wanted to be certain that I was up, dressed and ready in time for The Queen to pick me up for carpool.) Sadly, I forgot to reset my alarm.

This morning, when it went off. I rolled over, managed to focus, and saw that it was 5....I JUMPED out of bed, grabbed my phone and texted Kyle letting him know that I was going to be late. Then ran into huge closet (got lost) threw on some workout clothes, brushed my teeth, ran to car and raced (at a legal speed) to the gym, which luckily is less than 5 minutes away. I ran upstairs to meet Kyle all within 15 minutes from the time the alarm went off.

I apologized profusely and Kyle's only question was "did you eat?" Ummm, no. "When did you last eat?" Last night at 8ish. He then said, "let's reschedule because I don't want you doing weights on an empty stomach." Ummm, okay.

So, as "penance" for committing this sin, I'm going to be doing a 2 hour workout with Kyle on Sunday....

P.S. Kyle completely understood my being late and didn't hold it against me, especially since our first meeting I showed up at 5, not getting HIS text saying he wasn't going to be there on time, and he didn't show up until 5:45....


KFuj said...

I usually on time or 5 mins late. If I'm with Mr. KFuj we are 10-30 mins late... He's getting better with leaving earlier now that we have Kyle.

Have a great 2 hour workout!!

Jane said...

Personal trainers have a habit of doing this. Jesse (my personal trianer for a year) made our 6 am appt only 4 times, usually I got the text at 5:45 that we needed to reschedule or he way going to be late.

I am a 7:02 person

Queen B said...

oh no!

I am always late... but you know this and somehow forgive me for it (I hope...)

Kim Thomas said...

I never like people waiting on me, great stress involved in that.