Friday, April 1, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 1

A picture of you when you were little.
I've used this picture before in a Flashback Friday, but couldn't resist using it again (and until I can find my CD that has all my old, scanned pictures on it....). This is a picture of me from Christmas 1972 when I was all of four years old. Even then, I knew that I was supposed to be out on the open range....


Queen B said...

that photo is definitely worth re-sharing :) so cute!

Jaye said...

You were definitely a cowgirl in a former was I..I know I was a Texas rancher in a former life..still a "girl"!!

Kim Thomas said...

RO! I love this picture, I need to search for a similar one

Jane said...

Must of been there era - I too have won

You sport it much better