Thursday, September 18, 2008

Exercising at Work

I just read an article about treadmill desks and people who walk on the treadmill while working. I would love to do this, but there are a couple of hitches:
  1. I end up in lots of meetings, how would one move the treadmill desk to the conference room
  2. If I could make all of my meetings conference calls, would people wonder about all of my heavy breathing
  3. Would if be considered an on the job injury and covered by workers comp insurance if I fell on the treadmill, which I would inevitably do, while "working"?
Thoughts, comments, anybody want to start a fund so that I can purchase one of these?


Queen B said...

I think rather than start a fund, you should encourage the wellness program to purchase them for everyone and have them in all conference rooms. This removes the portability issue.

You're in CA, so any injuries would surely be covered by worker's comp.

Jenn Ann said...

I totally want one of these!

Jinjer said...

I wouldn't be able to do this because as I would be jogging/walking on the treadmill, the client on the phone would hear me panting and barely able to talk. I may lose a lot of business this way LOL!!!

Kim Thomas said...

I want this sooooo bad.