Thursday, September 18, 2008

This Day Ain't Gonna Be Pretty....

Let it be said that as a child I don't think I ever had a problem getting out of bed. (Stop laughing hysterically, Mom, I said "as a child".) I recall getting up early on the first day of school, getting completely dressed, and then laying back down until my mom would come to get me up for breakfast and to catch the bus.

As I grew, I had a tendency to sleep in more and more and by the time I was in high school, it was becoming a little tougher to get up, but I still don't recall being a complete beast. Aside from weekends when I didn't have to get up, but Dad would miraculously have to trim the grass and/or bushes directly outside my window, and a couple of times when I had a bit of a "headache" from enjoying myself a smidgen too much the night before, I usually got up early. (And, yes, kids, I was not perfect in high school and I did imbibe when I shouldn't have. Do as I say and don't drink until you are of age and not as I did.)

Anymore, I'm back to being an early riser. On weekends, I typically don't sleep past about 6:30 or 7:00, although I often do take a little nap in the afternoon. However, during the weeks, I have a slightly tougher time.

I am a snooze button girl. I admit it. I will hit that snooze button 4 or 5 times before I actually get up and going and usually I get up and move to my comfy chair to stare at the morning news while I eat my Cheerios before I can really function. This morning though, instead of hitting the snooze button, I hit the OFF button, and fell blissfully back to sleep. I could have stayed asleep all morning and completely missed my day o' meetings that is Thursday. Luckily, something in my bladder knew that I needed to get up and going and even though the alarm was off, it insisted I get up and around.

So, I was only running about 30 minutes late this morning. Luckily, I got my hair cut this past weekend and as always the two caveats for a haircut are: don't make me look like a butchy lesbian and I want to be able to dry it and style it within the length of one song on the radio (and not one of those epic songs like Bohemian Rhapsody). I jumped in the shower, I already knew what I was going to wear, which is a miracle in and of itself, did my makeup, hair, dressed, grabbed some stuff for breakfast and lunch, and still made it into my car in 45 minutes. I may not be super model fantastic today, but at least I made it to the office with enough time to blog before my meetings start, and that is what is really important!!


Kim Thomas said...

I say it's going to be a great day! Look at how fast you got ready and you even got a little extra sleep and blog time in. You go girl!

Queen B said...

oh, boy. turning the alarm off on a Thursday would have been catastrophic for me when I was in your shoes (oooh, now that's a nice place to be - in the Kate Spades!).

I had big plans of sleeping in tons this weekend. Those plans have just evaporated and I will be posting shortly on the chaos that I call my life :(

Jinjer said...

I love snooze-buttoning it too. I am a total morning person too and love napping on the weekends. I will say however, in a perfect world, that if I could, I would lounge in bed all day!!