Friday, January 9, 2009

I Need a Vacation

Yes, I've only been back to work for a week now, but I already am completely drained and need a vacation. On Monday, after going weeks without having any headaches, I start having steel-rod-driving-through-my-skull headaches after being in the office for only 2 hours. On Tuesday, my work-at-home day, I couldn't get half of what I needed to do until about 8:00 that night because I kept getting interrupted. On Wednesday, I went from one meeting to another and had to go back and clean up messes that others had left behind. Thursday, well it is a known fact that Thursdays always such for me...I'm in meetings now starting at 7:00 AM that go through noon, where I have a break to grab a bite of lunch and prepare for my afternoon meetings. And sadly, these are not light, fluffy meetings where I can just sit in the back and stare off into space, no these are meetings that I'm having to drive and facilitate and call people on the carpet and beg for leniency from the customer and have to walk that fine line of politics and ethics and doing the right thing for both my customer and my company. By Friday, I'm exhausted, but now I have to report on everything that was addressed in the meetings from yesterday as well as run some other reports and basically try to finish up everything that I didn't get done all week just so I can start doing it all over again on Monday.

I know, I know...welcome to being an adult and everybody has a tough job, blah, blah, blah.... I just want another vacation... preferably if I could take a vacation every other week, that would be great!! Anybody know who I can talk to about getting this into the constitution?


Paula said...

Wow, Andrea, that sounds like a tough week to repeat over and over! Hope you get another vacay really soon!

Jane said...

Love the new layout, and I'll take the vacation for you :)

Ruth Anne said...

Hang in there for 10 more days, MLK day is coming up.

Andrea said...

I'll see you Friday! We can play and take your mind off of work!

Queen B said...

I love reading about my old job ;) can't believe you've had it for almost a year!

Kim Thomas said...

I want to start tomorrow