Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 Resolution Take Two

After writing my New Year's Resolutions yesterday, I had a revelation that I really focus my resolutions on something slightly more grand and decided that instead of those pedestrian resolutions, I'm going 'outside' the box. I have the book Live Boldly and have decided that my resolution this year is going to be to follow the premise behind that book:

Live Boldly
Laugh Loudly
Love Truly.
Play as often as you can.
Work as smart as you are able.
Share your heart as deeply as you can reach.
Choose in ways that support your dreams.
Honor your actions as your teachers.
As you awaken may your dreams greet you by name,
And may you answer, "YES!"
As you walk may angels gather at your shoulder, and
May you know they stand with you as you rest.
May all your endeavors be rooted in contentment.
May all your endeavors be rooted in peace.

I resolve this for myself and I hope this for all of you!!


Sara said...

aw - I LOVE that.... and I'm about to blog that I'm not making resolutions for this year, but I like the idea of this :)

Jaye said...

Great ideas....thanks for sharing!!

Jane said...

I'm in

Kim Thomas said...


Diane said...

Love this!