Saturday, August 25, 2012

August Blog Challenge Day 25

Today's challenge is to discuss my greatest fear. Now, I have a number of fears...

  • Dieing alone
  • Being put in charge
  • Speaking in front of crowds
  • Wearing horizontal stripes

But my deep down fear has always been houses on fire.
I worry that my own house is going to catch on fire, which is why I overly careful with candles and lighting the fireplace, which I've never done. I always make certain that the burners are turned off on the stove. I am diligent about unplugging hairdryers, curling irons, toasters, irons, etc.

I have a new fear ever since I saw the book If Only I Could Talk in the suggestions list from
The description is:
Trapped in a house fire, Nelson is dying. If only he could open the door. Nelson whimpers his final goodbye to Rascal, his canine soul mate, their paws almost touching through the heavy glass that separates them....
And then I get weepy and can't read any more and so now I worry whenever I leave the house and Leo is in his crate, what would he think if I didn't come home and worse yet, what if he was trapped in this house and it was on fire. I would feel so horrible.

So there you have it, my biggest fear is a house fire and the second would be anybody, or anything, being trapped in a fire...


Jane said...

I'm with you on the house fire

Jaye said...

Hugging you!!!

Sara said...

had to giggle at the "speaking in front of crowds" based on our conversation the other day ;)

YES - I share this fear. Especially about having dogs in crates when I'm gone :( I couldn't read the description....